Anna Adams .net
Anna Adams .net
His voice was as thick as if he were thinking of making love to her. He clearly was not, but Zach's low, I've-waited-for-you-all-my-life tone had seduced her the first time they'd met.

She'd been unable to forget him. He obviously hadn't bothered to remember.

Seeking composure, she crossed to his desk and offered her hand. "Call me Olivia." For their son's sake, she had to feel out the situation and wait for the right moment to remind Zach of their past.

When he closed his fingers around hers, memories flooded back, images of his hand on her waist, at her breast, the scent of him as he lowered his head to kiss her. She gritted her teeth, recognizing the texture of his palm as if she were touching her own skin.

Why had this man remained such a part of her? As if what she wanted to feel didn't matter. She backed up a step. He had to release her. Curiosity flickered in his gaze, but not recognition.

Her first love had forgotten her.
"You must be Olivia Kendall."
© Copyright 1999-2007 Anna Adams  All Rights Reserved