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Anna Adams .net
They shared unusual black eyes. Other than that, he must look like the birth father of whom he'd found no trace. Averting his face from the fifty-six-year-old woman he'd driven six hundred miles to see, he tossed around conversation starters.

"Just wondering why you gave me away when I was hours old. Or "Thought you might have changed your mind about having a son." Neither would do.

No one knew his feelings about his adoption. His parents would have been upset, and he'd been a little ashamed that his own mother had given him away. As an adult, he'd lost any concern for his past in his focus on his family.

His children remained his first concern, but now that he saw Eliza Calvert dancing up the walkway in her husband's arms, Sam longed to know someone else who shared the blood that ran in his veins.

If Eliza accepted them, his daughters would never be alone again.

Another woman climbed out of the car. Taller than Eliza, she was slender but curvy. She must be Molly Calvert.

Sam opened the car door with trepidation. Eliza had adopted Molly when she was fifteen. Would she resent him and the girls if Eliza accepted them?
The investigator had taken plenty of photos, so Sam recognized Eliza.
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